Giving Tuesday is a global philanthropy movement that has grown to see millions of people participating in the name of helping others.

This year, The Friends of Ojibway Prairie are highlighting three initiatives that could use your support and will go directly to the Ojibway Prairie Complex.

  • Prescribed burning is necessary to maintain healthy and diverse ecosystems within the Ojibway Prairie Complex. Prescribed burns are part of a comprehensive restoration plan for this sensitive and endangered area.

    The Friends of Ojibway Prairie commits upwards of $5,000 annually to support prescribed burns throughout the Ojibway Prairie Complex.

  • The Friends of Ojibway Prairie provides support for Tallgrass Prairie restoration projects and seed collection. Your support helps us to provide our volunteers and Ojibway Nature Centre staff with the necessary materials and resources required.

  • The Friends of Ojibway Prairie funds and supports a variety of educational programs dedicated to the awareness and protection of Ojibway Tallgrass Prairie and Oak Savannah habitats, including the Ontario Nature Youth Summit, University of Windsor’s Muriel Kassimatis scholarship and more.